Book Your Community Pharmacy Seasonal Flu Vaccine Below

To be vaccinated at Community Pharmacy, you must be registered with a GP in Northern Ireland and in an eligible cohort as defined by the HSCB Community Pharmacy Seasonal Flu vaccination (CPFV) programme.

Eligible cohorts for HSCB CPFV;

  • Health & Social Care workers aged 16 years and over (Definition of HSCW here)


  • Any individual aged 50 years and over eligible for healthcare in NI

Individuals’ eligibility needs to be confirmed prior to vaccination (ID requirements can be found here)

The HSCB Community Pharmacy Seasonal Flu Vaccine Service Vaccine is available at the following Medicare Pharmacy locations, please select your nearest location to book:

Due to high demand, there may not be any available slots at the moment but please revisit our site over the coming days, when more slots will become available. We apologise for any inconvenience

MediCare Pharmacy Group, as the largest local pharmacy chain in Northern Ireland, are delighted to be able to further support our local communities, by providing the HSCB commissioned Community Pharmacy Seasonal Flu Vaccine Service across Northern Ireland.